Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Back to schooool....

Admittedly, when the summer holidays come to an end, I'm already bored of being a very lazy child, by that time I already know the order of the morning TV lineup.. really?! I was excited to go back to school as I have moved up to sixth form, it's completely different to being in the lower school and I can honestly say, I love it!! 

Wearing your own clothes everyday really isn't the great part about it.. 
The teachers that I used to have, literally saw me completely differently and it's a completely clean slate, no grudges, nothing. We finish our lessons early, just jam in the common room. Teachers don't really question what your doing or anything, it seriously is so different. 
So clotheswise, I'm not one to put all the effort in with fancy hair, although I do like to have nice makeup on!, I just roll out of bed and shove on anything, you can tell the ones that make effort and it's really not worth it and kind of embarrassing? Making myself look absolutely beautiful can wait for the weekend! :L

Prefect duty.... come on now is that really necessary??
My school is a state school and I really don't know who the lower years really think they are!! I mean seriously, they are so rude and just awful! When I was in year 7,8 and 9, I must've been the cutest child ever, not ever would I say anything to older years (probably because I was about 4ft nothing until year 10). Don't get me started on the girls, inches of black circling their eyes, short skirts and they're like what, 12?! 

Yeah so anyway..
 Other than the boys being lairy s**its, every year 12 has to do 20 minutes of prefect duty a week, it isn't much and I'd happily do it if there were nice students. I have to stand at an entry to one of the corridors and stop people walking in, sounds easy, not when there's children trying to barge past a little 5ft4 girl! Okay I wasn't harsh but next week anyone that's slightly rude, that's it! Not sure what my plan is but erm.. they'll be sorry! 

Apart from my huge rant, I love sixth form, only sixth form though, none of the other vermin that we share the school with! 

Thanks for reading

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